09 Nisan 2011


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Circulation strikes: 2,188,147,783
Proofs: 2,261,583
Designer:Obverse: Victor David Brenner
Reverse: Frank Gasparro
Diameter: ±19 millimeters
Metal content:
Copper - ±95%
Tin and Zinc - ±5%
Weight: ±3.11 grams
Edge: Plain
Mintmark: None
Value: $0.20 (MS-63) up to $0.50 (MS-65)

There I am… talking to someone in the office, when I spot, on a co-workers desk, a small number of cents. Two of them are nice and shiny, but the third is clearly older and has that 'I've got a different metal composition than those other guys' color to it. So, with a quick 'excuse me', I pick it up for a closer look. Yes, it's a little banged up (understatement?), but it's more interesting than the change sitting on my desk from lunch… So I run back to my desk and grab nice, shiny, new (boring) 2007-D Cent and leave THAT on my coworkers desk in place of the 1966 Cent. OK, so I suppose it wasn't really MY pocket change… but having liberated it from a fellow worker it comes close enough.

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