09 Nisan 2011


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Circulation strikes: 657,504,0000
Designer: Felix Schlag
Diameter: ±21.20 millimeters
Metal content:
Copper - 75%
Nickel - 25%
Weight: ±5 grams
Edge: Plain
Mintmark: Small "P" (for Philadelphia) below the date on the obverse
Value: $0.25 (MS-63) up to $1.00 (MS-65)

Not the best weekend for coins this time around. My weekend café of choice has adjusted their pricing… My morning latte no longer produces any change… fortunately there were other purchases to be made. My wife bought me a 20x Triplet… so now I can pull out my loupe at coin shows and pretend that I'm a 'serious' collector… or at least I can TRY to look the part, She also got me a copy of The Coin Collector's Survival Manual by Scott Travers. I've only just started reading it… but so far it gets a thumbs up! And now… back to the work week.

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