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Fineness: .900
Actual Gold Content: .2304 troy ounce
![]() Wilhelm I was known for his deep religious convictions, high sense of honor and integrity. But showing little political interest, his primary goal upon ascending to the Prussian throne in 1861 was to reorganize and strengthen the Prussian army. He was met with opposition from the Prussian legislature, and his desire to remain politically neutral led to his appointment of Otto von Bismark as his prime minister in 1862. Bismark proved to be far more historically significant than Wilhelm I, engaging Prussia in a number of conflicts aimed at attaining the goal of a unified German Empire. Perhaps the most notable of these conflicts was the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. Upon the defeat and surrender of Napoleon III at Sedan, Wilhelm I was proclaimed the first emperor of Germany (Kaiser) in 1871 |
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