Passion is a desire each person has towards a field of interest. These passion drives to an obsession for some people. This obsessions could develop into a disease for a few people. I am actually talking about antiques item collector. It's mind-boggling and at time very curious to know why some serious collectors would go to a certain extent of effort and money to possess a particular item that does not hold any value to most normal people. Why do people collect stuff? There was a quote, "One man's junk can be another man's treasure". Before we ponder and wonder of this common habit of ours, let me show you some my so called passion, obsession or disease that i've been suffering from when it comes to collecting coins.
Around 2 million years ago, man was a hunter and women was a gatherer. Man would go out during the day and hunt for food so their woman and their offspring could survive. For woman, when their man is out in the woods looking for food, they would also went out to the rivers, hills of the mountains to gather things that can be made for clothes. Thais when women develop the need to look for something nice like flowers, plants, shiny rocks and pearls. It is funny to assume that from this simple theory of hunter and gatherer has a lot to do with people's hobby of collecting stuff or become an enthusiasts of a particular item. It seems like collector has a set of both criteria. They like to hunt for old and rare items and also keep it.
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